Kvíz - Present tenses II

  1. 1. Kde bydlí Vicky?
    Where do Vicky lives?
    Where does Vicky lives?
    Where does Vicky live?
    Where do Vicky live?

  2. 2. Nebydlí blízko mě.
    She isn´t live near me.
    She don´t lives near me.
    She isn´t living near me.
    She doesn´t live near me.

  3. 3. Co právě teď děláš?
    What are you do now?
    What are you doing now?
    What do you do now?
    What do you doing now?

  4. 4. Chodím obvykle ven se svými přáteli.
    I usually go out with my friends.
    I am usually going out with my friends.
    I usually going out with my friends.
    I usually goes out with my friends.

  5. 5. Díváš se v tuhle chvíli na televizi?
    Are you watching TV at the moment?
    Are you watch TV at the moment?
    Do you watching TV at the moment?
    Do you watch TV at the moment?

  6. 6. Dnes jdeme hrát basketbal.
    We are go to play basketball today.
    We go to play basketball today.
    We go to playing basketball today.
    We are going to play basketball today.

  7. 7. Každý den jezdím na kole.
    I´m cycling every day.
    I cycle every day.
    I´m cycle every day.
    I cycling every day.

  8. 8. Hledám novou práci.
    I looking for a new job.
    I looks for a new job.
    I am looking for a new job.
    I am look for a new job.

  9. 9. Můj otec nemá rád vaření.
    My father doesn´t likes cooking.
    My father don´t like cooking.
    My father not like cooking.
    My father doesn´t like cooking.

  10. 10. Tři lidé sedí nyní před mou kanceláří.
    Three persons is sitting outside my office at the moment.
    Three people sitting outside my office at the moment.
    Three people are sitting outside my office at the moment.
    Three people sit outside my office at the moment.

  11. 11. Právě teď posílám email svému kamarádovi.
    I am sending an e-mail to my penfriend now.
    I is sending an e-mail to my penfriend now.
    I send an e-mail to my penfriend now.
    I sending an e-mail to my penfriend now.

  12. 12. Jsme na dovolené a užíváme si to.
    We are on holiday now. We having a good time.
    We are on holiday now. We have a good time.
    We are on holiday now. We are have a good time.
    We are on holiday now. We are having a good time.

  13. 13. Anna mluví velmi dobře německy.
    Ann is speaking German very well.
    Ann speaks German very well.
    Ann speak German very well.
    Ann speaking German very well.

  14. 14. V kolik hodin zavírají banky v Británii?
    What time does the bank close in Britain?
    What time do the banks close in Britain?
    What time does the banks close in Britain?
    What time do the banks closes in Britain?

  15. 15. Na této fotografii neplaveme v moři.
    In this photo we aren´t swim in the sea.
    In this photo we don´t swimming in the sea.
    In this photo we aren´t swimming in the sea.
    In this photo we don´t swim in the sea.